s h u tt e r b l o c k

creative Konkurranse 20/03/2012 Laugskonkurranse 2011

Bildet “Immature” fikk 92 poeng og sølv i Trøndelag laugskonkurranse 2011. Immature er min datter Cecilia, stylet med god jhelp av Vidar Graven!   Sammenlagt ble det 2 plass!  

creative Konkurranse 25/10/2011 Photography Masters Cup

I did include a few photos for this international competition, not having any huge hopes. It turned out that two of my photos (in the fashion category) were nominated, and one came in 3rd place “Honor of distinction“! This was a big surprise for me, and I congratulate myself! Here is “Escape” – the photo which …

behind the scenes creative dancers 04/04/2011 How I made…

The idea developed after being inspired by a few internationally acknowledged dance photographers. I knew one ballet dancer, who was prepared to model for me, and found a white wedding dress which could work. The idea of the photo shoot was simply to get her to move around, combining classic dance poses with the dress being …

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