
s h u tt e r b l o c k

Uncategorized 20/01/2013 CELINA

A couple of weeks ago I had a young visitor in my studio. Celina aged 9, wants to be a model, and needed portfolio pictures to send off to the agency. Her mother accompanied Celina, but Celina herself had opinions when it came to putting outfits together and prepare for the shoot. Here are a …

Uncategorized 20/01/2013 Speed through – come with me

This is a speed through of the editing of “Come with me”.

Uncategorized 20/01/2013 Erwin Olaf

One photographer who never stops amazing me is Erwin Olaf His ability to create the necessary mood is exceptional, adding sentiment and story to the photos. In addition to the more serious themes, I also appreciate the more humoristic images… My favorite is “The Classroom”, a photograph I can study for a long time, and …

creative Portrett 10/01/2013 resurrection project

Sometimes you have a plan as a fashion photographer…You find 3 models, you have an excellent stylist, and find the best location for your work…AND, the weather really looks like it could fit the project perfectly (heavy clouds without the shitty rain, and a little breeze to get that flying hair).But upon arrival at the location …

Uncategorized 03/01/2013
Konkurranse 12/09/2012 Regional competition 2012

I entered “NFF laugskonkuranse” 2012 (for Trøndelag), and with my 4 photos I came 1st overall, collecting 3 silver and 1 bronze. The total sum was 356 points! Very happy…I just have to defend that one two more times, and the statuette (prize) is mine for keeps! Here are the photos, with the points underneath: …

making of 29/08/2012 the crow project

Sometimes you have a plan as a fashion photographer… You find 3 models, you have an excellent stylist, and find the best location for your work…AND, the weather really looks like it could fit the project perfectly (heavy clouds without the shitty rain, and a little breeze to get that flying hair). But upon arrival …

The story behind... 31/07/2012 The story behind Escape

I guess this photo has been presented enough, having won 3rd place in Colorawards and bronze in the National Competition in Norway (NFF), but I wanted to give you the story behind the photo. The photo Location Hotel room at Clarion Collection Hotel Grand Olav, Trondheim. Not a lot of space, but I liked the material …

workshop 25/07/2012 Skodje workshop

Jeg ser frem til 22 . september, og besøk til Skodje fotoklubb for kurs og workshop Det er imidlertid interessant å høre litt om hva slags behov eller ønsker dere har Det er slett ikke sikkert jeg kan etterkomme alle ønsker, men det gir meg ihvertfall en indikasjon på tematikk!

Uncategorized 19/07/2012 Escape

“3rd Place – Honor of Distinction” i Photography Masters Cup 2011, “Fashion” Bronse i NFF Landskonkurranse 2012