
advertising Bryllup 24/11/2023 Black Friday tilbud bryllupsfotografering

Det er sjelden PHOKUS kjører Black Friday tilbud bryllupsfotografering, men i 2023 skjer det! Ikke nok med det, men tilbudet gjelder hele helga, så vi kaller det Black Weekend tilbud. Har dere datoen klar, men mangler bryllupsfotograf i 2024 (eller 2025), send gjerne en henvendelse i løpet av helga, så får dere 15% på alle …

advertising creative 26/07/2015 NTNU

I det siste har jeg brukt mye tid på å ferdigstille arbeid for NTNU. Oppdraget gikk ut på å skape 5 bilder, som skal representere fokusområdene til NTNU: Health, Sustainability, Energy and Ocean).Det femte bildet er et gruppebilde av de 5 sammen. Ideen er barn som kler seg opp i hjemmelagde superhelt kostymer, utstyr de …

advertising dancers making of The story behind... 12/02/2015 Making Of “City Lade Tango”

I have recently done some work for Headspin Advertising and City Lade. The results are displayed in various media, and the idea was to have a similar profile for the different images. Here is a short explanation of the process. In one picture, local tango dancers were models, wearing beautiful outfits for the occation. Of …

advertising behind the scenes dancers The story behind... 10/02/2015 Making of “City Lade – QALIFA”

As for my previous post, this is some of the work behind another image for Headspin Advertising and City Lade. This time working with local fresh hip-hop artist Qalifa! The final image (without advertising profile): Again, this is a composite. I found a decent location, not far from City Lade (the mall), and made 5 …

advertising creative 24/01/2015 CITYLADE

My last few months have been rather quit as to producing new material. Well, I did do one cool job for Headspin advertising and City Lade. Lots of work, but good fun and great people as well as exposure.Here are a few images from this work. I look forward to working with Headspin in the …